Sunday, August 10, 2008

Proposition 8

Hello there! I wil make this one quick. If you haven't heard, or even if you have...this is something extremely important to all of us. In November we will be voting to protect marriage. (To only recognize marriage between a man and a woman.) Craig and I went on the website and learned even more about this...and what can happen if we don't vote for this propostion. There are other places that are already having extreme consequences because thses marriage rights were not protected. Not to scare anybody, but if you get on this website, you will understand that our religious freedom can be at stake later on. I am not a very political person, but I want to raise my family in believing the way we choose to believe and not be forced by the law on what to teach my children, contrary to our beliefs. Please take the time to read about how important this is and try to get others to vote for this proposition. Thank you!!! baby yet! But we are getting so excited!


Katherine said...

If this proposition doesn't pass in Ca. all of the "united" states will be in jeopardy too. Let out of staters know what we can do to support you Californians!

Kevin and Missa said...

HEY!!!! 213 wymount terrace, provo, 84604... I hope she comes soon!!! we are soo excited for you guys... tell the kids we say hi and we miss them!!! love you guys